This year the event will include 165 exhibitors who will enjoy the additional space provided by the second floor of The Altman Building and Metropolitan Building, in Manhattan’s Chelsea district.
The increased floor space will give an extra 8,500 square feet of floor space, which, as well as extra exhibitor space, will also provide further space for a bigger seminar room, to accommodate the increased conference program.
More space means expanded seminar program and more exhibitors
“We’re delighted Luxe Pack New York is expanding this year to accommodate more exhibitors,” said Nathalie Grosdidier, the event’s executive director.
“As we grow, we remain dedicated to innovation. Our goal is to present the most comprehensive line-up of packaging innovators so brands from all markets can find the right packaging suppliers and new ideas in just a few hours at Luxe Pack.”
As well as the expanded exhibitor space and conference program, the event will also include the Luxe Pack Innovation Forum, the Toscara Luxury Packaging photographic showcase, market researchers Mintel’s Innovation Showcase, the Material ConneXion Lab and an exhibition by the Pratt Instutitue to highlight its Marc Rosen Scholarship and Education Fund for Packaging.
Mintel’s Innovation Showcase will also include twice daily demonstrations of the latest packaging and industry trends from around the world, allowing visitors to interact with the latest packaging concepts on the market.
Seminar program will highlight key trends and innovations
The expanded seminar program will be a full two-day event that a total of ten presentations touching on various aspects of luxury packaging, highlighting what’s new in this area and the key trends that are shaping up the future of the category.
Key presentations on the first day of the event will include an opening presentation entitled Product Orchestration: Optimizing Package and Formula Development to Create Tomorrow’s Star Product, together with a presentation by Mintel called Packaging Megatrends.
On the second day of the seminar, key presentations will include a section entitled Innovations from Exhibitors, which will highlight some of the hottest new products and technologies to be unveiled at the show, together with a presentation called Beauty & Personal Care Products : Consumers Crave the Last Drop, given by MWV VP of global creative, Steve Kazanjian.
The two day Luxe Pack New York 2013 event will open its on May 15th.