Those companies included Kahia, a company focused on developing products from the Cacay tree; Neyber, a company dedicated to a range of domestically sourced natural oils and extracts; Protecnica, a provider of natural-based preservatives and emulsifiers; and Green Andina Colombia, a company focused on essential oils, extracts, exfoliants and fixed oils.
These companies were also supported by a broad range of government bodies, including the Swiss Import Promotion Programme, which was supporting Colombian government agencies Pro Colombia and the Chamber of Commerce of Bogota, together with the Centre for the Promotion of Imports (CBI).
Colombian companies tap into the key in-cosmetic trends
This year at in-cosmetics global the mega trends were highlighted by the continued growth of the natural and organic trend, which is expanding in line with the need for businesses to be both sustainable and transparent.
Colombian ingredients companies are well placed to tap into these trends, thanks to an abundance of biodiversity that puts it as the second most biodiverse country in the world, with more than 45,000 species of plants, 1,500 of which are said to be endemic species.
Much of this biodiversity is found in the south of the country, in the Colombian Amazon region, a lesser known part of the Amazon basin, but one that has an abundance of plants and trees that harbor strong cosmetic and personal care active properties.
In-cosmetics Global spells success for Colombian companies
According to executives at SIPPO, the event was a significant success for those Colombian companies exhibiting at the event, serving to build both business contacts and business orders.
SIPPO confirmed that following the event, the four Colombian companies exhibiting at the event had 74 binding business contracts totaling almost $0.5 million, while the companies also secured 313 relevant business contacts during the three-day event.
The SIPPO team have said that they are now aiming to build on this momentum and is targeting the next in-cosmetics Global, to be held in Barcelona March 31 – April 2, as another major promotion platform for Colombian companies.