“My goal really is to reeducate people on what skin care needs to be,” Christy Hall, founder of Mikel Kristi Skin Care, tells Cosmetics Design.
“There’s a lot of misconceptions on what’s important for skin,” she says. “Most people think it’s all moisturizers and really it’s about optimizing the skin’s function; and that’s how we approach skin very differently. So [Mikel Kristi] is actually a cosmeceutical line, where we’re improving the function of the skin.”
Hall is also committed to providing the best ingredients and most effective skin care possible and that means regular upgrades. Wisley, she’s be reformulating the Mikel Kristi product portfolio nearly every 2 years since she launched the brand in 2014. It’s a strategy that keeps the collection up to date and also signals to her customers and clients that each formulation change is for the better (rather than cost savings on the production end, for instance).
This year, the Mikel Kristi got a full refresh. Hall rebranded and repackaged the Mikel Kritisi product line earlier this year. “We went through the whole repackaging which we had not done in several years,” Hall tells Cosmetics Design.
“We go with standard cosmetic packaging companies because they tend to be the most reliable on having [bottles and jars] available. It’s always a pain when you need product and there are no bottles available,” says Hall. “So, I’ve found that the larger companies have been a good resource for [packaging].”
Watch the full Cosmetics Design video interview with Christy Hall to learn why Vitamin A is her favorite skin care ingredient, how she’s growing both her practice and her brand, and much more!
Deanna Utroske, CosmeticsDesign.com Editor, covers beauty business news in the Americas region and publishes the weekly Indie Beauty Profile column, showcasing the inspiring work of entrepreneurs and innovative brands.