Archives for October 1, 2018

← 2018
International Expansion

Editor’s Spotlight

International Expansion

By Deanna Utroske

Beauty, personal care, and fragrance manufacturers are growing bigger and growing globally. In recent months there have been notable investments in construction, acquisitions, and corporate expansions into new markets. Here, Cosmetics Design looks at...

Around the World Beauty offers first US tours in New York City

Around the World Beauty offers first US tours in New York City

By Deanna Utroske

This summer, the global travel venture, founded by blogger and makeup artist Stephanie Flor, began running short walking tours to some of NYC’s newest cosmetics, personal care, and fragrance shops. Cosmetics Design recently joined a tour to get a sense...

Lishawn Lalonde, Uliv Skincare

Indie Beauty Profile

Lishawn Lalonde, Uliv Skincare

By Deanna Utroske

In her Indie Beauty Profile, Lishawn Lalonde, founder of Uliv Skincare, suggests that, as a solo entrepreneur, taking slow but steady steps forward is the best way to build a plant-based skincare line.