Archives for January 28, 2019

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How do ingredients companies approach indie beauty formulation?

How do ingredients companies approach indie beauty formulation?

By Simon Pitman

To answer this questions, Cosmetics Design spoke to decision makers at Blue Diamond Almonds Global Ingredients Division, to find out how ingredients providers come up with solutions that suit the specific demands of indie beauty players.

Halal claims: ingredients through to finished products

Halal claims: ingredients through to finished products

By Lucy Whitehouse

With halal beauty a rising focus for brands, formulators and ingredients suppliers alike, we speak to companies working in the space to find out why the trend is rising, and how they are responding.

Formulating an indie beauty brand story with regional ingredients

Formulating for Indie Beauty Special Newsletter

Formulating an indie beauty brand story with regional ingredients

By Deanna Utroske

In the beauty and wellness space, a well-constructed brand story can capture the attention of consumers, buyers, and media. To find out just how regional ingredients can effectively inform and inspire an indie brand and its story, Cosmetics Design...

4 must-know beauty trends spotted at IBE LA

Editor’s Spotlight

4 must-know beauty trends spotted at IBE LA

By Deanna Utroske

Every day the indie beauty movement gets more sophisticated, the brands more varied, and the innovations more relevant. Cosmetics Design discovered these 4 trends last week at the Indie Beauty Expo in Los Angeles, California—trends that signal what’s...