Financial Results

Ulta Q2 FY24 Results © Ca-ssis Getty Images

Ulta Beauty revises FY outlook in response to comparable sales decline

By Cassandra Stern

Ulta Beauty's Q2 fiscal 2024 results show net sales of $2.55 billion, a slight increase from last year, but a 1.2% decline in comparable sales and a 12% drop in operating income highlight the challenges the company faces in a tough retail environment.

P&G FY 2024 Results © Dragon Claws Getty Images

P&G reports strong FY 2024 results

By Cassandra Stern

P&G 'met or exceeded our going-in plans for organic sales growth, core EPS growth, cash generation and cash returned to shareowners in a challenging economic and geopolitical environment,' in FY 2024, shared P&G Chairman, President,...

e.l.f. financials © ProfessionalStudioImages Getty Images

e.l.f. results show affordable cosmetics shine

By Simon Pitman

As the cost-of-living crisis continues to bite worldwide, the latest financial results for e.l.f. Beauty underscores how inexpensive cosmetic products are proving to be a winner.

Style Update: Marc Anthony hair care gets a new look

Style Update: Marc Anthony hair care gets a new look

By Deanna Utroske

In recent weeks, the 25-year-old hair brand announced new brand positioning, an updated brand name, and new packaging as well as a Strategic Review Process, which could lead to the sale of company assets.

Inter Parfums plans for COVID-19 recession recovery

Inter Parfums plans for COVID-19 recession recovery

By Deanna Utroske

With sales down nearly 40% year-over-year, the perfume manufacturer updated its 2020 financial guidance this month and shared insight into the company’s holiday expectations and ambitious plans for 2021.