Formulation & science

Study finds no link between deodorant use and breast cancer

Study finds no link between deodorant use and breast cancer

By Andrew McDougall

New research in England has found that there is no link between the use of underarm cosmetics and breast cancer, and has suggested that as parabens are measurable in the tissue of women who do not use these products, they must enter the breast from other...

Big future forecast for pre- and probiotics

Dispatches from Microbiota 2011

Big future forecast for pre- and probiotics

By Shane Starling

The Boston-based Human Microbiome Project is three years into a five-year project that is throwing up revelations about how human microorganisms behave – and its leader predicts a big future for pre- and probiotics.

Artichoke Plant

Keracyn, state of the art - ichoke in protective hair care

By Michelle Yeomans

Keracyn obtained from the leaves of artichokes can provide a natural, active, protective and restorative shield for damaged hair, according to a recent study by natural active ingredient company, Provital Group.